In the era of information technology advances today, educational institutions tried to take advantage of the development and advancement of information technology by accessing and presenting educational information. Thus, in order to improve the quality of education, an educational institution should have information system that can help schools manage teaching and learning activities effectively and efficiently. By having the School of Information Systems, then the institution can present various kinds of information as needed.

Schools can evaluate, formulate, assess, devise strategies for academic development of students as participants of students to a better direction. School Information System Flow is as below:

Description results of teaching and learning activities can be entered by each teacher / operator into the system are included in the database server so that it can be monitored at any time. Administrators are given full rights to manage further to the reporting stage in accordance with the needs of educational institutions. Development of a web-based concept makes the school community can access via the Internet anytime and anywhere, without having to be limited by space and time.

Benefits for Institutions
- Facilitate data management processes and academic and non-academic.
- Provide reports on the development of students in the learning process.
- Provide progress reports of teachers / instructors in teaching and learning.
- As a guide in formulating school policies
- As a means of communication or media liaison between the school community, parents sisw, and society, anytime anywhere without the constraints of time and place.
- Media to promote the potential of school
- Means of dissemination of knowledge widely

Benefits for Parents / Guardians Students
- Make it easier for parents / students in monitoring the development of children in school.

Benefits for Students
- Helping students see the development in the academic and non-academic.
- To help students search a database of learning materials, exercises and school work of all subjects in school.

Here I will introduce one of the school's information system that is JIBAS click here
Jibas School Information System
JIBAS IS FREE and we can download  here : 
JIBAS has a very complete feature, including :
1. academic,
2. financial,
3. library,
4. personnel, reporting,
5. bridge,
6. infor teacher,
7. student information,
8. sms gateway,
9. auto-attendant,
10. photo take,
11. fingerprint,
12. letter store,
13. synchronization of data,
14. school windows,
15. live updates,
16. support center,
17. discussion forum

I will show bad short video just for introduction of this software.

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